*Originally posted on November 26, 2007
I told Erich tonight that I wanted to write a book about how awesome homeschooling is! :)Everyday God renews my mind and shows me His hand in our lives as we go through school and I’m thankful for the wisdom He has given me and pray that I will continue to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior”. We continually tell others how wonderful homeschooling has been for our family as we have seen such a difference in our lives and in the girls’ lives. We seem to have much more time to do the things that matter eternally and there is much more peace in our home. I am truly honored to have this responsibility to teach the girls and they have learned so much so far (as I have too) and I just can’t say enough about the work God has done in their hearts as well as mine! :)
I was talking with my dear friend, Sara, the other day who said that she’s so surprised that our first year of homeschooling is going this well. She furthered by saying that most people she knows have a “rough” first year adjusting to the changes and such. As much as pride wanted to seep into my heart and for me think, “It’s because I am such a good mother and teacher…” God reined my heart back to Him and instead reminded me that it is all because of Him. He is so good! I responded that our peace in the home is ALL from God and we praise Him for the smooth transition, the desire He’s put in the girls’ hearts to learn and serve Him and most of all… I praise Him that He opened the door for us on this new journey of teaching the kids at home.
It’s so easy to get caught up in only blogging about the “perfect” moments. I promise that it is not my intention to mislead anyone into thinking that our home is perfect, my kids are perfect, and everything we are doing is perfect... none of that is the case (my close friends and family could tell you some funny stories to testify to that). It just ends up being that I get excited about posting all the wonderful stories that I am witnessing and as I am learning so much through the process, I hope my small insight would encourage someone else like so many people encouraged me.
I’ve really been trying to bring home the point to Caroline and Ava that we have a biblical imperative to show Christ to others and tell others about Him. In that, I feel very convicted in my own life that I need to be doing that more. I’ve been telling the girls about my struggles in those areas as well and have asked them to help hold me accountable, too. That’s a scary thought… but it is very necessary! :) When Jesus came to Earth, He showed us EXACTLY what God’s character looked like in human form: Completely obedient, compassionate, Holy and always doing the will of the Father. As I instruct my children to strive to emulate Christ to others, I need to get in front of the mirror and see how I’m emulating Christ to my own children. The past few weeks, God has “cleaned” that foggy mirror of mine so that I can see better what areas I need to work on. I continue to pray and depend on His wisdom and patience to be the Godly wife and mother that He calls me to be.
Back tracking to my phone conversation with Sara, I did tell her that God has answered so many of our prayers regarding "smoothness" in our days and for direction in choosing our curriculum. He even used Sara to tell me about Ambleside and Miss Mason’s books. Of course, at the time, I had no intention of homeschooling so I just brushed aside the advice. Little did I know that God would soon direct us on this wonderful path! I just can’t say enough about how wonderful Miss Mason’s teachings have been for the girls and how much they have learned from the fantastic and rigorous curriculum. Of course, when they learn from God’s word daily, it’s a “no brainer” that He’s going to accomplish His purpose in their hearts and we’re going to see those fruits! :)
The biggest testament to me is how much the girls have a desire to learn:
Ava woke up last Saturday and started crying that we weren’t doing school! Literally, she was crying that it was Saturday and when I told her that we were going to take a break from school, she said back, “But I love school… I don’t want to take a break!” She later told me sweetly, “When I grow up, I want to homeschool my kids.” When I asked her why, she answered, “Because I see how much you love teaching us!” Wow!!!
Caroline has such joy everyday as she learns and is excited to tell me what impressed her the most out of something she read from her studies. She is constantly wanting to read and very eager to learn more from the Bible and more about the world around her. I see God working through her heart in so many ways!
I really love teaching them, and when they get those "Ah-ha" moments (like when Ava just learned all of her OT books of the Bible, or when Caroline finds one of her difficult vocabulary words in one of her reading selections from the day and knows what it means) I couldn't think of trading those special learning milestones with anyone else. The looks on their faces are priceless! As little Ava has progressed to be such a great reader and so good at math and as Caroline has truly learned to "think" through difficult passages and studies... I really see the special-ness in being their teacher and wouldn't want to miss out on any of those moments! Praise God that He has given me these precious girls to instruct in His righteousness… may I glorify Him and be obedient to His Will and His Word in the process! God is good... all the time! Have a blessed day!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
5 hours ago
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